Wessex WebSDR Logo and Flag

Wessex WebSDR

This WebSDR is located in the historical Kingdom of Wessex, South West UK, in QRA locator square IO80QR. It is administered by G8JNJ

39-41MHz 8m

The 8m band uses a Terminated Delta Loop with 20m sides with the top at 20m AGL

50-52MHz 6m

The 6m band uses a Tri-Band Colinear mounted at 20m AGL

70-72MHz 4m

The 4m band uses a Terminated Delta Loop with 20m sides with the top at 20m AGL

144-146MHz 2m

The 2m band uses a Tri-Band Colinear mounted at 20m AGL

432-434MHz 70cm (1 & 2)

The 70cms band uses a Tri-Band Colinear mounted at 20m AGL.

10.369GHz 3cm

The 3cm band uses a Slotted waveguide & Octagon LNB at 13m AGL.

More information about the WebSDR software can be found on www.websdr.org

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j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency
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